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  Thames floodbarrier

My Topic was about the Thames Flood Barrier In 1972 the Government decided to build a flood barrier to protect London from floods caused by storms and high tides. The last flood in 1956 had been devastating. The Thames flood barrier was completed in 1986 at a cost of £370 million. The Flood Barrier is 520metres long. It's along the 25miles coust on Greenwich and the biggest Stormflood-barrier on the world. When the barrier is closed, rotating steel gates form a wall across the River Thames.

The doors hase similarity to the Sydney opera house. When the river level is normal, the gates are left open to allow ships to pass through. When there are high tides, with high waves caused by storms, the gates are lifted to stop water travelling up the Thames estuary.Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons can cause floods. These are very strong winds which form over seas and blow towards coastlines. The winds make the waves in the sea much higher.

The waves then crash onto the beach and flood the flat land by the coast Since 1982 the Flood Barrier has saved London for more than 20 floods. And on the southside there's a visitorcenter where you can look and listen to a audio-video show. Effects of floodsThe effect of a flood can be catastrophic. All these things can happen: Broken roads and railway lines. Damage to furniture and objects in houses. Wrecked houses.

Crushed crops. The electricity and gas supplies are cut off. Diseases. People and animals are killed. Ornaments can be smashed. Electrical items like computers and TV's can be damaged.

Carpets start to disintegrate. Property gets washed away. Trees fall over. Cars get smashed. Bridges break government-Regierung flood-barrier-Flutbarriere tides-Gezeiten steel gates-Stahltore similarity-ähnlichkeit lifted-angehoben wrecked-zerstört crops-ernten supplies-Zubehör Diseases-Krankheiten Ornaments-Verzierungen          

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