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Vindobona:  The Settlers preferred the area around the Wienerwald, the Leopoldsberg, the Bisamberg and the Wilhelminenberg. With the immigration of indo-german farmers Kahlenberg, Simonsberg, Michaelerberg, Satzberg, Gemeindeberg and Rosenberg were also colonised. The bronze-age inhabitants preferred the Danube-near areas as their living space. With the incoming of the Illyrer in the later ferrous-age the light settled areas expanded. In the 5th Century before Christ the Celtics built fortifications, for example on the Leopoldsberg. Around Jesus’ birth The Romans built the military camp Vindobona in a place, that was very important for their strategy.

It was bordered by the Ottakringer river in the north-west, by the Danube in the north and by a moat along the Rotenturmstraße in the east. In the 1st Century 15,000 to 20,000 people lived in Vindobona. Emperor Probus subvented the cultivation of wine in the 3rd Century. The east of the Province Noricum went to the Huns and the invasive Vandals in 433. East- and Westgothics plundered and destroyed the villages. After the retirement of the Romans the population decreased.

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