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Dresden   This report gives you a historical overview of Dresden and some information about the sights in Dresden. Based upon the following chronicle I gave a presentation about Dresden to the staff of the Bury Partnership. The listing is not quite complete - only the important dates are mentioned. Chronicle   1206 first documentary mention of Dresden, the name came from the name Drezdany (area on the left hand side from the river Elbe), on the right hand side the name Nisan or Nisani was expected, this name appeared at first 1013 1216 first documentary mention of Dresden as a town 1287 first documentary mention of a stony bridge 1299 first mention of the town-wall 1309 oldest town-signet 1403 "Altdresden" (on the right hand side from the river Elbe) got the town-law 1485 Dresden was residence-town of "albertinische Wettiner" 1491 big town fire --> new building-law (stone houses in the corners) 1556 Dresden was the single mint in Saxony 1582 Dresden got the a coat of arms 1676 laying out the big garden (Großer Garten) 1694 "August der Starke" it's meant "August the strong" came into power 1697 August the strong got the Polish crown, Dresden got the status of an European capital   1709 August the Strong gave order to make gold in 1709. J. F.

Böttger said, "I can produce it." That´s why August the strong invited Böttger to show it. But August the strong perceived that´s was only a trick. For this reason Böttger was arrested in the fortress Königstein. Böttger tried to produced gold and he had success. But he developed not the right gold he developed the white gold.

It called porcelain.   1732 Dresden on the right hand side from the river Elbe (Altdresden) was the new king-town --> today "Neustadt" 1763 peace of Hubertusburg, --> lost the Polish crown and the Saxony super power was finished Friedrich August 2. and count of Brühl are death 1806 kingdom of Saxony of for favour of Napoleon 1815 cession of same territories to "Preussen" for the "Wiener Congress": 1821 first trade on the river Elbe from Dresden to Hamburg 1839 the rail-line Dresden -Leipzig was opened 1861 the zoo in Dresden was installed 1893-1898 main station "Hauptbahnhof" with reception-hall was built 1918 Dresden became the capital of Saxony 1945 13th/14th of February, extensive destruction of Dresden through Anglo- American airforce   Sights Zwinger   1696 first plan to build the Zwinger, the Zwinger is one of the famous buildings in Germany 1711 the most important construction year for the Zwinger, order by August the strong 1718-1719 Porcelain Pavilion" and Germany Pavilion", opera house by Porcelain Pavilion, "Redoutensaal" by Germany Pavilion was built (D. Pöppelmann) 1728 Zwinger became a building for art collections like a museum   Semperoper   1838-1841 first opera house from G. Semper was built 1869 fire in the first opera house 1870-1878 second opera house was built (G. and Manfred Semper) 1978-1984 reconstruction   Castle in Moritzburg   1582-1584 first Castle in Moritzburg was built (H.

Dehn-Rothfelser) 1693 construction of the famous animal garden 1769-1782 Fasanerie in Moritzburg was built (J. D. Schade)   Castles   1272 first mention of the Castle 1560 installation of the art-room (Heirich Göding Hofmaler) 1661-1672 first fixed opera house was built (W. C. von Klengel) 1692-1693 English staircase was built English stairs (G. Starcke and C.

Beyer) 1760-1762 the last big project to extension the castle   Palais   1706-1711 Taschenbergpalais was built (M. D. Pöppelmann) this was built for countess Cosel (a mistress of August the strong)   1715 Dutch-Palais for earl Flemming was built (J. R. Fäsch)   1720-1724 Water-Palais in Pillnitz was built (M. D.

Pöppelmann)   1722-1723 Hill-Palais in Pillnitz was built (M. D. Pöppelmann) 1725 integration of the French Garden in Pillniz 1787 Rundtempel in Pillniz was built (C. T. Weinling) 1804 Chinese-Pavilion in Pillniz was built (C. F.

Schuricht) 1818-1826 New Palais was built (C. F. Schuricht)   1723-1729 Wackerbarthpalais was built (J. C. Knöffel)   1727-1728 Japanese-Palais was built   1734 Brühlsches Palais was built (J. C.

Knöffel) 1843 monument of Friedrich August 1. (G. Semper) on the Brühlsche Terrace   Grünes Gewölbe   1721-1724 installation of eight rooms in the Green Vault (D. Pöppelmann, R. Leplat)   Churches   1234 construction of the church "Kreuzkirche" 1272 first mention of the church "Franziskanerkirche" with monastery 1316 first mention of the church "Frauenkirche" 1403 the church "Dreikönigskirche"was built , as a "Pfarrkirche" 1723-1727 the church in Pillnitz was built (M. D.

Pöppelmann) 1728-1730 the church "Matthäuskirche" in Friedrichstadt was built (D. Pöppelmann) 1738-1775 Catholic "Hofkirche" was built (G. Chiaveri) 1874-1878 "Johanneskirche" was built (G. L. Möckel) 1883-1887 Martin-Luther-Church was built (E. Giese)   Franziskanerkirche (later Sophienkirche) 1272 first mention with monastery 1599 reconstruction of the old Franziskanerkirche, now "Sophienkirche" 1720-1721 installation of the organ of G.

Silbermann 1737 Sophienkirche became a "Evangelische Hof"- Church   Kreuzkirche 1234 construction of the Kreuz-Chapel 1499 opening of the new Kreuzkirche 1760 the church was destroyed 1764-1766 began to build the Kreuzkirche 1945-1955 reconstruction   Frauenkirche 1316 first mention of the Frauenkirche 1477 extension --> first medal of Dresden 1726 lay the foundation of the Frauenkirche from G. Bährs 1727 demolition of the old Frauenkirche   Dreikönigskirche 1403 first Dreikönigskirche was built 1421 first documentary mention 1732-1739 third Deikönigskirche was built (D. Pöppelmann, G. Bähr, J- G- Fehre)   Catholic Hof-Church 1738 began to build the Catholic Hof-Church 1946-1976 reconstruction       Wall and Fortification   1299 first mention of the Town-Wall 1546-1550 last important reconstruction of the fortress (C. V. von Wierandt) 1569-1574 new fortress behind the castle was built (Rochus von Lynar) 1589-1592 fortress on the river Elbe was built 1632 second fortification of Altendresden, 1809 deconstruction of the fortress by order of Napoleon   Bridges   1287 first documentary mention of a stony bridge 1343 new Elbe-bridge (after destruction through the ice) Between 19.

and 20. century were built some other bridges.    

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