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Dead poets society

Dead Poets Society N. H. Kleinbaum   Author: N. H. Kleinbaum graduated at the Medial School of Journalism at Northerewest University. She is a former newspaper reporter and editor. She lives in New York with her husband and her three children.   Plot: The story takes place in the Welton Academy, a private school in America. The story is about the problems of boys who attend a
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Modern life - society

1) Definitions of sociology and family  a) Definition: Sociology   The scientific study of human social relations or group life. Other disciplines within the social sciences - including economics, political science, anthropology and psychology - are also topics that fall within the scope of human society. Sociologists examine the ways in which social structures and institutio
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Software-Engineering  Software Engineering ist die praktische Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse für die wirtschaftliche Herstellung und den wirtschaftlichen Einsatz qualitativ hochwertiger Software.   Wie jedes andere Produkt muss auch Software entwickelt werden. Beim Entwickeln von Software ist ein systematisches, methodisches und strukturiertes Vorgehen extrem wic
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Study guide for stanislaw lem: solaris (1961)

Study Guide for Stanislaw Lem: Solaris (1961)  More information about Lem Introduction During the Soviet era, Polish writer Stanislaw Lem was the most celebrated SFauthor in the Communist world. Although he read Western SF when he was young, hesoon found it shallow and turned for inspiration to the long tradition ofEastern European philosophical fantasy. Western readers not familiar
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Some interesting facts about sleeping and dreams:

Some interesting facts about sleeping and dreams:       On average you need 2 minutes to fall asleep.   Most people dream 5 times a night, humans will have about 136,000 dreams in a lifetime, spending the equivalent of six years in a REM sleep dream state.   Women usually dream much more passive than men do.   Students who study and get some go
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All my sons by arthur miller

All My Sons by Arthur Miller   Author: Arthur Miller was born in Manhattan in 1915 to a Jewish father and received only little education because he had to help his father. After some failed attempts he was admitted to the University of Michigan, where he became interested in literature. Soon he began to write himself and his first famous play and breakthrough was “All My Sons&rd
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South africa

South Africa in the era of the Apartheid The logical racial segregation, was introduced after foundation of the South African union in the year 1910 by a bundle of laws, all rights of the black population-majority was restricted on and on. The racial segregation was and is a world-wide problem, the main difference is, that the african Government has created more and more laws against th
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Space Exploration Spezialgebiet in Englisch Jakob Huber  Table of contents   Introduction page 2   1. The Sputnik Shock page 2   2. The Mercury Project page 3 2.1. What was Mercury about? 2.2. Mission History 2.3. The importance of Mercury   3. “Twins” in space: Gemini page 4 3.1. Just another step on
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Bulk parameters

Space Space – History A dream On October 4, 1957, the USSR blindsided the United States in what was called a "technological Pearl Harbor" with the launch of Sputnik I, the first man-made earth orbiting satellite. The satellite was of little scientific value but was of a big one political. Circling the earth roughly every 90 minutes, its beeping radio signal shocked the
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Our holiday trip through spain

Our holiday trip through Spain      General information about Spain:   Spain is the third largest country of Europe with 505.000 square kilometres and 39,3 million inhabitants. The main-languages are: Spanish and Catalan. Their cross national product [Bruttosozialprodukt] makes about 14.500 US Dollars per year and inhabitant. In comparison to Austria they just have
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